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Welcome Rabbi Dr. David Bauman as new Head of School

Friday, May 10, 2024 | Announcements, HACD News

Dear HACD Community,

I am thrilled to announce that the Hebrew Academy of the Capital District Board of
Trustees has appointed Rabbi Dr. David Bauman as our incoming Head of School,
effective July 1, 2024. Through an extensive search process, Rabbi Bauman
distinguished himself as a dynamic leader who is well-suited to take the helm of our
community’s oldest Jewish Day School.
Throughout his conversations and meetings with lay leadership, faculty, students,
clergy, and parents, Rabbi Bauman demonstrated how he will be a collaborative and
inspiring leader. His strong background in education and leadership will help solidify and
enhance HACD’s powerful and unique pedagogic approach across the entire school.
Our school community is looking forward to having Rabbi Bauman as a leader who can
work towards growing and enhancing our school’s future.
I would like to offer an energetic yasher koach to our entire Search Committee, who
devoted the time and effort needed to successfully secure new leadership for our
school. Thank you to our co-chairs Naomi Mozer and Steve Huz, Stacy Cohen, Sharon
Flom, Mark Koblenz, Jay Deicher, Dan Scher and Lenny Goodkin. Many thanks and
much gratitude to our interim leadership team during this transition year: Sandra
Goldmeer, Jeffrey Spitzer, Linda Grimm and Jack Etter.
We look forward to welcoming Rabbi Bauman and his wife, Elly, to our HACD
community this summer. If you would like to connect with Rabbi Bauman, you can reach
him at

Mazal tov to the HACD community and may our community go from strength to strength
for many years to come.

Amarit Rosin
President, Board of Trustees

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